Category: Nieuws

TEDxYouth@Nijmegen selection event
TEDxYouth@Nijmegen selection event
On the 6th of december I got the change to pitch on the selection event for the theme Social Engagement that will be a part of TEDxYouth@Nijmegen on the 18th of January. As one of the twenty candidate speakers for this theme I had four minutes to explain what I stand for and what idea I would want to present on the red spot during the real TEDx event.
My pitch was about looking at spatial development differently. I am convinced that we need to solve issues more locally instead of on a global scale within the existing big supply chains. By connecting humans with their local areas again we can make the world a fairer and more sustainable place. Eef Spronck and Eduard Ravenhorst from De Coöperatieve Samenleving showed me a while back how this can become reality with the new Environment and Planning act that will be in place in 2021. What needs to change before that time is something I would want to tell in a TEDx talk. The judges were interested in my story and wanted to hear more.
I can proudly announce that I was one of the five speakers selected for the official TEDx Event TEDxYouth@Nijmegen on January 18th in Nijmegen at the HAN University. The event will be livestreamed and my talk will be recorded. I am super excited, so stay tuned.

Spatiability has officially kicked off!
Spatiability has officially kicked off!
On September 7th the moment was finally there, Spatiability got registered at the Chamber of Commerce. Now that the website is live and the business cards have arrived, de real work can begin.
As an advisory and project company, Spatiability aims to guide spatial initiatives “in the right way”. That means in a sustainable, fair and responsible manner. This is important to me. Spatiability has been founded to make the world a little better and to help people realise their spatial dreams, however, according to a certain philosophy. This always forms the baseline in all projects I take on. I help spatial initiatives progress in different ways. Want to know more? Let’s get in touch!